John Pasden has created the most informative, most accurate, and all-around best China blog I've come across thus far. Actually it's more than a blog; it's a whole network of China blogs from expats and natives around the country. I had the pleasure of working with John at Melody for two months before he fully replaced me as the resident foreigner. I had a China Page before I met John, but he inspired me to make one somewhat worth looking at.
The Unbearable Lightness of
I don't know Kaiser Kuo. I've never spoken, written, or otherwise communicated with him, but I sure do admire his site. He seems well-informed and well-spoken.
When I first provided a link to this site I did so by accident; I actually meant to provide a link to Kaiser Kuo's site above. Then after reviewing it more thoroughly it sort of grew on me ... and I like the logo. However, I get the feeling that, like myself, the author of The Peking Duck has perhaps over-asserted his expertise in purposing to use his short experience in China to enlighten others about the country. Still it has many worthwhile links and is a site worth checking out.
I've had the pleasure of knowing Bryan Johnston since the day I arrived in China. I worked with him in Beijing and Shanghai, and if it weren't for the huge pay cut and drop in position I'm sure he would join me in Dongying. I remember him first mentioning his crush on a woman named Lucia, and besides his father and some random Swedish guy, I was the only foreigner at their wedding. His page may not be much to look at now, but I'm sure with all the extra time he'll have on his hands being a new father he'll turn it into something top-notch.
I met Greg only once in Hangzhou but he makes a lasting impression. He's ... unique. Yes, Greg is a special little snowflake. And he has managed to put together one of the most aesthetically offensive blogs on the Internet. It also happens to be hilarious, especially if you're privy to some of the idiosyncrasies of life in China.
In case you were wondering why I chose this font and color scheme for my site, I shamelessly copied the style from this site. It's just plain easier on the eyes, and I want people to be able to read my tediously long writings without developing eyesight problems. Warning: this link should not be followed by pregnant women, people with heart conditions, or my parents. I would say that it contains "adult content" except that it's actually quite immature. Still, it's hilarious. Enter at your own risk.
I worked at Shane Dongying as the Director of Studies (DoS). I'm pretty sure it's in my contract somewhere to plug the school as much as possible, hence this link.
Wanna Link?
If you have a website and would like me to provide a link to it on this page, email me the address and I'll look it over. Chances are I won't do it, but it couldn't hurt to ask, right?
And if you would like to link to my page from your own, please consider using the flashy logo below: